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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Started Youtube channel for my two little kids.

We started to post video blogs for our two little kids as a remembrance for their childhood and also to earn extra cash to save in the future.

Since were on the beginner level of the youtubing trend we only have our point-and-shoot camera (Nikon A10) decent enough to shoot our first video blogs.

We've manage to takeout unnecessary sounds and added background music too which blends well with the video theme.

We are really happy doing this kind of hobby. We didn't expect that making our own you tube video can be felt very rewarding.

There are many free only music site that we've get our background music from and free sound effects too.

We haven't explore the full potential of the video editor that we've used VSDC is the software name of the video editor and it is quite helpful and easy to use. Far more easy and reliable than some paid video editor out there.

Here are some of the video's we've shoot with the Nikon A10 camera with the VSDC software:


Here is the link for the background music:

Ben Sound Music [Click Here]

For the Video Editor Software:

VSDC Free Editor [Click Here]