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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Muscovado Sugar

Nature's Muscovado Specialty Sugar P114 per 1kg
     I've been using muscovado sugar for more than a year now.  I use it in our coffee, milk, fruit juices and also for cooking.  Muscovado sugar retains all of the natural ingredients of sugar cane, making it a healthy alternative to white sugar . High in nutritional value, comparable even to pure honey. Muscovado sugar is unrefined, with a high mineral content.  White sugar on the other hand is bleached with chemicals to remove the molasses.  The refining process  for producing white sugar have eliminated all traces of nutrients in it.

     My kids got used to muscovado flavor in their milk, the sugar cane flavor made them think I am putting chocolate in it.  It's good to introduce healthier options to children while they are still young, so they consume less chemical foods while they are growing up.

     I buy Nature's Muscovado Specialty Sugar for P114 per 1kg packaging  at Robinson's Supermarket.  In it's packaging, they claim that it's pesticide free wherein no synthetic chemical pesticides and herbicides are used from planting to harvesting of the sugarcane. It also went through a chemical-free process, absolutely no synthetic chemical additives nor has it been bleached or stripped of the flavor of sugar cane.

PASSI Premium Raw Cane Sugar P22 per 500g

     If the recipe I'm going to cook or bake calls for white sugar, I use PASSI Premium Raw Cane Sugar for P22 per 500g packaging.  This brand smells and taste better than the regular washed sugar I used to buy in the market, plus it comes in a resealable pack.